Common mistakes in therapy

Starting therapy is helpful in working towards feeling better and understanding yourself. It’s a great avenue for you to explore your thoughts and feelings in a safe place. But just like any journey, therapy can have some tricky parts. Here are the common mistakes people might make in therapy. Read on to learn them so you can get the most out of therapy!

Expecting drastic change

Therapy isn’t a quick fix, it’s more like a journey of self-discovery. It takes commitment and usually at least eight sessions to start noticing progress. How long it takes and how much effort you put in can be different for each person. So, don’t worry if things don’t change overnight. Therapy is a gradual process, and personal growth happens at your own pace.

Not being open with your therapist

Therapists are like your guides on this journey, but they need to know what’s going on with you to help. So, sharing more about your thoughts and feelings with them is important. The more they know, the better they can help you reach your goals and make progress. It is okay if you are not sure what to share as your therapist will prompt you with questions for you to reflect.

Not taking action

While your therapist is there to help and guide you during your therapy sessions, the big changes happen when you use what you’ve learned in your everyday life. You are the one who needs to take action to see improvements, and it’s totally fine if you go at your own speed. What counts is that you’re making an effort to make things better for yourself.

Blaming others

While therapy is there to help, your therapist isn’t responsible for every setback in your mental health journey. It’s normal to face obstacles, but working with your therapist to overcome them shows that you’re taking accountability for your well-being.

Lack of boundaries

There are days where you may require a little more support from your therapist, but being wholly dependent on your therapist is not a good practice. It is important for you and your therapist to establish a boundary to maintain professionalism in the relationship. This will help the therapist to create a sustainable therapeutic relationship with you.

Not being honest

Holding back your true feelings or thoughts can hinder your personal growth in therapy. Therapists are there to listen without judgment, so it’s perfectly okay to be vulnerable and share openly. Honesty is key to self-exploration and progress.

Staying silent when do not understand

Therapy might introduce unfamiliar concepts or ideas, and it’s okay to feel confused. What’s important is that you don’t stay silent about your confusion. You don’t have to have all the answers, but asking questions and seeking clarity helps you get the most out of therapy. This will help you understand how to apply the skills or knowledge you gained from therapy sessions into your everyday life.

Not showing up

There may be times that you are unable to attend your therapy appointment due to unforeseen circumstances. It is important to notify your therapist ahead of time to show that you equally value the therapist’s time. Take note of the rescheduling and cancellation policy. Therapists are people too!

Not attending sessions consistently

Consistency and frequency of treatment are key to effective and lasting outcomes of therapy, rather than the duration of therapy. The frequency of sessions should be discussed with your therapist and it differs from person to person based on their needs and circumstances.

Seeking solutions from therapist

Therapists do not provide advice or solutions to your problems. Instead, your therapist can help you find ways to cope or prompt you to think differently. Reframe the idea of therapy to such that you have someone to talk to and they can facilitate you get through your issues. Therapy empowers you to find the solution yourself!

Why knowing the common mistakes is helpful?

Understanding common mistakes in therapy is important because it helps you get the most out of your sessions and make progress in your mental health journey. It’s like having a roadmap to avoid obstacles. Knowing what not to do can help your therapy experience to be more effective, and you’ll be better equipped to work with your therapist, take charge of your well-being, and reach your goals. So, being aware of these common mistakes is a key step in making your therapy experience as beneficial as possible.

Oh no, I have made these mistakes before! What should I do?

It is okay to make mistakes in therapy! In fact, it’s a normal part of the process. Therapy is a safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings, and it’s common to stumble or have moments of uncertainty. Your therapist is there to support you, learn from your mistakes, and guide you towards understanding and growth. So, don’t worry too much about getting everything right during your therapy sessions; it’s all part of the learning experience.

Ready to book your first session?

Book the first therapy session with our qualified counsellors or clinical psychologists! If it feels right for you, go on and take the first step!

Book a session on our website, or Whatsapp us at +60 17-803 8384!

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