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Mental health screening (Online)

A 45-minute online session to explain your online test scores, briefly explore your symptoms and provide some advice and coping tips on how to improve your mental health.

A mental health screening is NOT a diagnosis.

Clinical Psychologist or Counsellor

RM95 per screening


RM25 per screening

Individual therapy

A process with a therapist to address mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, or any other issues like personal development, and stress to improve your mental well-being.

For a diagnosis, please book your first session with a clinical psychologist.

Clinical Psychologist


First session (75 – 90 min): RM195

Returning session (45-60 min): RM165


First session (75 – 90 min): RM250

Returning session (45-60 min): RM220



First session (75 – 90 min): RM165

Returning session (45-60 min): RM165


First session (75 – 90 min): RM220

Returning session (45-60 min): RM220



First session (75 – 90 min): RM55

Returning session (45-60 min): RM55


First session (75 – 90 min): RM65

Returning session (45-60 min): RM65

Couple and family therapy

Therapy can help couples and families gain insight into their relationships, resolve conflict and improve relationship satisfaction utilising a variety of therapeutic interventions.

Couple therapy


First session (120 min): RM310
Returning session (90 min): RM310

Family therapy


First session (120 min): RM450
Returning session (90 min): RM450

Career Services

Looking for support with your career? Our registered counsellors provide expert career counselling to help you find fulfilment and success. We offer comprehensive career assessments and personalized career counselling to equip you with the skills and insights needed to navigate your career with confidence. Get the guidance you need with our professional career counselling services!

Learn more here.

Career Counselling

Career counselling is ideal for anyone seeking to address job dissatisfaction, work-life balance, workplace relationships, stress and burnout, skill development, and more. Our career counsellors will provide the support you need to overcome career challenges and achieve your professional and life goals.

45 - 60 minutes

Online: RM165

In-person: RM220

Career Assessment

A comprehensive series of tests conducted by a registered counsellor to help you understand your work interests, aptitudes, values, strengths, and personality. With a deeper self-awareness and guidance from a career counsellor, you can make informed career decisions. This career assessment is suitable for school leavers, fresh graduates, and working adults seeking a career change or clarity.

60 - 90 minutes

Online: RM430

In-person: RM540

Inclusive of a briefing session

Psychological assessments

At Aloe Mind, you can receive diagnostic assessments for mood disorders, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, personality disorder, eating disorders and many more with clinical psychologists.

Step 1: Attending a Clinical Intake

Clinical Intake

A clinical interview with our psychologist is necessary before scheduling any assessment. During this interview, the psychologist will explore your struggles, symptoms and background to determine which assessments you need.

75 – 90 minutes

Online: RM195

In-person: RM250

Step 2: Determining the Right Assessment for You

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment

A thorough assessment that may include clinical interviews, completing rating scales on symptoms, intelligence tests, and personality assessment.

2 to 5 hours

Learn more here


RM1,250 – RM2,550

Inclusive of free brief report

Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Trauma Disorder Assessment

A thorough assessment that may include clinical interviews, and completing psychological tests. 

45-60 minutes

Learn more here

Online: RM195

In-person: RM250

(Optional) Brief report: RM110

Other Mental Health Disorders

Other disorders like eating disorders, OCD, personality disorders, autism spectrum disorder can also be diagnosed by our clinical psychologists.
Due to the complexity of mental health disorders and individual differences, a comprehensive assessment may require multiple sessions.

Online: Starting from RM165 per session

In-person: Starting from RM220 per session

IQ Assessment

IQ assessment aims to evaluate an individual’s cognitive functioning, intellectual ability, aptitude, thinking skills and general ability. Our IQ assessment will cover verbal and non-verbal intelligence.

2 - 3 hours

In-person: RM1,400

Inclusive of free brief report

Learn more about our ADHD assessment here

Reports and Letters

Attendance/Referral Letter

A letter from your therapist which includes a brief overview of your symptoms, dates of your sessions and reasons for referral (if any). 

RM20 per letter

Brief Assessment Report

A brief report includes a short outline of issues, background information, summary of assessments done, final diagnosis(if any), and brief recommendations. 

RM110 per report

Full Assessment Report

A comprehensive report detailing the presenting issues, background information, mental status examination, description of each assessment, results of assessments, final diagnosis (if any) and recommendations.

Only available for psychological assessments.

RM320 per report